With every new release, this next female picks up more and more fans and it's easy to see why when you get hooked on her music. ...


02:54 Rob Henderson 0 Comments

With every new release, this next female picks up more and more fans and it's easy to see why when you get hooked on her music.

Her name is CAPPA, hailing from Nashville, she's about to become your favourite new popstar that your friends might not yet know about. But if she keeps heading in the direction she is now, they probably will in a years time. Taking slight influences from the new wave sound that Taylor Swift and Carly Rae Jepsen have taken of late, CAPPA finds herself on the route aswell.

Understandably many are trying a formula that is working so well, but anybody can jump on a trend, not just anybody can make it sound quite so right as CAPPA. Her debut track, Hush, saw her present a more downtempo new wave feel, that eased its way into our senses. Other Girls was soon to follow and we started to see a progression in what we thought was to become a very special... and right we were.

Goddess is probably favourite CAPPA song to date, if you love synth pop mixed in with the aforementioned new wave sound, you've got a fair idea to the bliss she's presenting here. It's so cool, it's so airy and summery from a December release, but who really cares? She promises to take us up to heaven in this song and her vocals as ever, do a pretty good job of that in my eyes. A silky smooth voice that I could listen to all day and given how catchy they are, you'll probably be singing it all day.

She's very blog friendly but that's not to say she's run of the mill, infact she's one of the most exciting artists I've seen spreading across the blogosphere in the past 12 months.

Here's Goddess for you to enjoy yourself: